Friday, December 28, 2012

Pimple Free Diet Plan

Did you know that some food are more acne prone than others? Taking good care in choosing what you eat can lead to less pimples and also gives you a much more
healthier body.

Reasons for Acne Breakout:
Acne is caused by an increase in certain hormones in your body such as estrogens which in turn caused an increase in activity in oil glands of the skins.  Too much oil in the skin surface can clot the skin pores which will form pimples. Foods that contain excessive oil or causing increase in activity in oil secretion of the glands in the skin will lead to acne breakout.

1) Avoid Oily and Salty Foods
Chips, fries, pizzas maybe really tasty but try to avoid them as they're not only unhealthy but also high in salt and fat which will worsen your acne conditions. They are also hard to digest and contains toxins which could cause an imbalance in the hormones in the body.

2) Eat Lots of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables
Fruits and vegetables not only contain lots of vitamins but also antioxidants which help to refresh your body and reduce the toxins in your body.  Green vegetables such as broccoli and spinach helps to nourish and rejuvenate the skin and is suitable to consume on a daily basis.  It is also a good idea to consume a variety of fruits and vegetables to help balance the protein and carbohydrates in your diet. Often acne is caused by an imbalance in diet so keep your body in balance is always a good thing.

3) Drink Lots of Water Daily
Water helps to purify the toxins in your body so drink lots of water daily. Try to have at least 1L of water in your diet.  Water can also reduce oil secreted by the skin to avoid blocked pores.

4) Avoid Sugar Especially Chocolate
Sugar will cause increase in insulin and cause imbalance in the hormones of the body which will lead to pimples. Although some studies shown that chocolate does not have direct effect on the cause of acne, the sugar and caffeine in chocolate does cause imbalance in hormones for some people which will worsen the acne condition.

5) Keep Dairy Products to moderation
Dairy products such as milk, cheese and ice cream contain certain hormones which may contribute to acne and pimples and should consume in moderation to avoid worsening the acne condition.

About R Cheung
R Cheung is the founder of, a website contains
products and information on treatment and cure for acne, books and videos on how to get rid of pimple scars.

Welcome to How to Get Rid of Pimple Scars

Hello everyone! Welcome to my blog on How To Get Rid of Pimple Scars! In this blog, I'll share with you the most effective methods of treating your pimple scars and also recommend the best products for your acne problems.  So comeback often and stay tuned!